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lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015

Miren lo que filmaron bajo el agua. Ver vídeo.

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado que misterios se esconden bajo el agua en lugares remotos como en las islas Fiji y Tonga? Bueno, tienes mucha suerte ya que este video te dará la respuesta. Gracias a Bubble Vision, podrás ver como es la vida marina bajo el Océano Pacífico. He visto un montón de imágenes submarinas en mi vida, pero esto si que es algo realmente especial. ¡Después de ver este video, creo que tengo que llamar a mi agente de viajes y reservar un vuelo a Fiji!

Underwater footage shot whilst scuba diving in the Fiji islands and Tonga. Featuring colorful coral reefs, huge schools of tropical fish, sharks, humpback whales, underwater caves, scuba divers and much more marine life from the south Pacific.

Please "like", favorite, share, or leave a comment here or on my channel at My Facebook page is at and I have more scuba diving videos and underwater footage on my website at, where you can also license rights managed and royalty free stock footage.

The coral reefs of the south Pacific are alive with a huge variety of tropical fish and marine critters. A great way to explore them is to scuba dive with the Nai'a liveaboard based in Fiji. I was working as the Nai'a's video pro when I shot this footage. See 

The underwater footage was shot in high definition HDV 1080i 60i with my Sony HVR-Z1P HDV camera in a Light & Motion Bluefin HD housing. The footage was converted to 720p for YouTube using my high quality method:

The music is "In the Meadows" by Stephen Richard Thomas Brown, under a Creative Common licence
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